Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!

Try not to get sick off jelly beans and chocolate bunnies!

And thank Jesus for dying for our sins though we don't deserve it.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

No need to hurry back....

Please, just go all ready....
President Obama, the latest in a long list of presidential disappointments,  is visiting Cuba today, the first US president to do so since Calvin Coolidge.  I am not sure why.  Maybe just to do it.  I would have preferred to see a US president visit after Castro dropped off, but I will file this under the same place an increasing number of Americans are when it comes to Obama: "Who cares?"

President George HW Bush boasted back in 1992 that he would be the first US president to visit a "free Cuba."  Cuba still is not free (but getting better), and Bush never went.  Like I said, the line of presidential disappointments is long and goes waaay back, including both parties.

Obama's poll numbers tend to go up when he does nothing, so maybe we will get lucky and he decides to stay there. Even the Black Congressional Caucus can't seem to stand the guy....

He is on the way out and the looney-bin contest to replace him is under way.  That is a lot more interesting, regardless of you feel about it.

Time to run the clock out on Obama, time to see who's next.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Two party insanity--or stupidity

Our two-party political system, a relic from the Civil War, is clearly dysfunctional and borderline tyrannical.  It does not represent the people.  It does not work.

Let's junk it.

We are watching the Republican Party fighting against its own base.  This is  moronic and not conducive to...well...anything.  The reason Donald Trump is surging, against Republican opposition is because the Republican party does not act like Republicans.  They don't fight for anything, do it half-heartedly and are overall incompetent.  They have had control of Congress since 2010 and have done absolutely nothing

Except fight with the Tea Party.

The Tea Party rose up in 2006 in response to a GOP that ignored it members.  The GOP talks a good game, but really does not care, taking donations to accommodate lobbyists and go on junkets to Mexico.  If this is conservatism, then toss it overboard. This is why Donald Trump is rocketing upward in the polls.

If the GOP base listens to the Republican establishment to abandon Trump, then what? Let Clinton win?  This explains why no one trusts the GOP.

On the Democratic side, we see the same thing.  There are many, many Democrats who cringe when Hillary Clinton trots out her sexual predator husband Bill at campaigns.  She is clearly a creature of Wall Street (as is Trump, but at least he does not pretend otherwise) and cares for no one but herself.  The "superdelegate" sham is a why of giving her the nomination in spite of the impressive showing of Bernie Sanders.

Sanders' presence in the Democratic version of Trump.  Many in the Party of Jefferson are just as upset with their party as Republicans are with theirs.

In a real democracy or republic, there would be three or four parties: a center-right and center-left, along with some sort of socialist and conservative parties, maybe even a nationalist thrown in there.  In other words, Trump (nationalist/conservative), Rubio and Cruz (center-right), Clinton (center-left) and Sanders (socialist).

Jefferson said a revolution was necessary every now and again.  He was thinking (hoping) in terms of elections, not some sort of French Revolution.  Now, its just a nasty election.  Listen to your base, Republican and Democratic establishments

They are the ones with the pitchforks and there a LOT more of them than you.....