Sunday, March 20, 2016

No need to hurry back....

Please, just go all ready....
President Obama, the latest in a long list of presidential disappointments,  is visiting Cuba today, the first US president to do so since Calvin Coolidge.  I am not sure why.  Maybe just to do it.  I would have preferred to see a US president visit after Castro dropped off, but I will file this under the same place an increasing number of Americans are when it comes to Obama: "Who cares?"

President George HW Bush boasted back in 1992 that he would be the first US president to visit a "free Cuba."  Cuba still is not free (but getting better), and Bush never went.  Like I said, the line of presidential disappointments is long and goes waaay back, including both parties.

Obama's poll numbers tend to go up when he does nothing, so maybe we will get lucky and he decides to stay there. Even the Black Congressional Caucus can't seem to stand the guy....

He is on the way out and the looney-bin contest to replace him is under way.  That is a lot more interesting, regardless of you feel about it.

Time to run the clock out on Obama, time to see who's next.

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