Sunday, April 24, 2016

Are we arguing about toilets now?

The manufactured (yes, manufactured) debate over transgender people using the wrong bathroom makes the entire country look like a bunch of idiots.  The worst part about this "debate" is that most people, including the transgender bunch, don't really care.  This is the work of a group of lobbyists trying to make news.

Those lobbyists and activists are the most totalitarian, neo-Nazi wannabees you can find.  They attempt to squelch differing opinions by threatening boycotts and instating court action.  They come straight out of Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm.  Perhaps if you used empathy instead of attempting intimidation, you might make progress.  This is America,  You have a right to an opinion.  If you don't like that idea, move to Iran.

This law has nothing to do with has everything to do with keeping sexual predators from donning a wig and going into a bathroom to rape someone.

If you cannot understand this, there is nothing I can do for you.  There have always been plenty of gender neutral bathrooms around.  Use those.  If you want to push boundaries, go after the idiots at the NSA, not people using the bathroom. Pass any law you want.  If you are in the wrong bathroom, you are getting tossed out of there. Whether you want to leave on your own or be carried out is up to you.

How you live your life is your business.  Don't push it on others.  That goes for all sides of any debate.

Democracy in action.  Love it or move to Iran and see how far you get with pushing boundaries there.

Now grow up and let's move on to serious issues.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Are people driving better?

There is something odd going on that I have noticed over the last six months or so.  Maybe even a year now.  I have had to think about it and I have arrived to one conclusion: people are driving better.

Not good, but better.

I see more people driving the speed limit.  I see more people letting others into lanes.  I see more waves (all five fingers).

What impresses me the most is what I have seen on the highway when a lot of people are trying to get on the may throughfare. Everyone lets one person it and you have the "zipper effect". 

I used to talk about that on the air in back in 1999, so it looks like it is finally sinking in.

Good job, America!

I don't know what has brought this on, but give credit where credit is due.

Let's use this new found politeness in other parts of everyday interactions and make the world a better place.  You cannot clean up the whole world but you can clean a corner.  If enough people do that, we just might clean up the whole thing!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

April 2 anniversary!

On April 2, 2007, I gave Michelle her engagement ring in front of Heinz Field in Pittsburgh!

On day, they will built a monument to the occasion.....:-P