Sunday, February 12, 2017

Stay classy, DC schools...

Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education, was denied entry into a school in Washington DC by protestors. It reminded me of the George Wallace/Orville Farbus goofballs who resorted to similar tactics.  Idiots, right or left, are idiots.

Back in the 1950s/1960s, the education establishment resisted change,ie segregation.  In 2017, the alleged liberals are clearly unhinged.  What are they protesting? Protesting someone who wants to change the schools?  Say hello to your George Wallace avatars....

Our schools need help.  They are violent and out of control and run by many administrators who are neither competent nor interested in doing their jobs.  Teachers are leaving in droves and the same admin people water down statistics to make themselves look good so they get promoted in an ever expanding bureaucracy.

Kids and students suffer.

And these protestors want to keep it from getting better?

Here is an idea....shut up and listen, especially to people who might have different opinons. They might actually be right.

I thought liberalism was about tolerance or listening.  Not looking that way and you wonder why Trump won the election.

This story tells it all.  Will the Democratic Party listen?

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