Saturday, March 18, 2017

NATO faces the wrong direction

This is the three year anniversary of the Russian annexation of the Crimea.  Moscow had reacted when Western entities made use of neo-Nazis to overthrow the democratically elected government of Ukraine.  Russia grabbed the Crimea to ensure access to the Black Sea.

Some have charged that the entire resulting "Cold War II" was created to give NATO a reason to exist.It could be true.  Of course, the real truth is that NATO does indeed have a mission--it just is not Russia.

NATO was established on the prinicpal of collective security, an attack against one member is an attack against all.  There hae been attacks against NATO members and there has been bloodshed. None of it has been at the hands of the Russians though.

NATO's enemy is radical Islam, sending terrorists described as "refugees" to attack Europeans as their spineless leaders cower from political correctness and use it as a weapon against their own people instead of the obvious enemy.

Some societies are too stupid to survive.

With a little luck, Europeans can use democracy to right the ship.  If not, well, you can read history books as well as I can.....

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