Sunday, April 23, 2017

Time for the adults to step in

Two weeks ago, a passenger was dragged off a plane. You would have thought someone would have learned something.  I guess someone did not get the memo.

If you are in customer service, you need to keep your cool.  If you can't, you have no business being a flight attendant.

If you cannot control your plane, you don't need to be a pilot.

If you dramatically raise prices, cram people into spaces meant for half that many and turning flying into a living hell, you need to resign as CEO.

Everyone refrain from flying for a day and watch what happens.  You can do it.  People are hooked together via social media, so you can coordinate a boycott.

But will they?

In any event, something has to change.  You have an escalating situation that has all ready turned violent.Clearly the airlines do not seem interested in changing anything and I see the passengers becoming more hostile and belligerent. 

As much as I don't like it, it might be time for the government to step in.  Time to guarantee a Passenger and Crew Bill of Rights.

If not, well, have a mop ready because blood is hard to get out of the carpet.

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