Friday, July 28, 2017

The Healthcare Mess

If you want something done right, please do not give it to the US government. If you do, prepare for idiocy on an epic scale as well as ultimate failure.  There are simply too many examples to list here...

Healthcare is the latest debacle.

In 2010, Congress passed ObamaCare, a program that stood no chance of success and had no bipartisan backing. In fact, Pelosi presented a 1200 page bill at the last second,proclaiming, "you have to pass it to see what it is in it."  What sort of stupidity is that?

 It has failed on an annual basis and its onerous, unAmerican "mandate" has turned a bad system into something even worse.  Making matters worse is the the Democratic Party has never done anything to improve the system, watching as insurers flee the exchanges, leaving more  and more states with one company insuring the entire market (violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act)  and a few may face NO coverage at all.

The Republicans have been shouting about repealing ObamaCare since 2010 and now that the time has arrived, they have no plan to offer.  And they, with a majority in both houses as well as the Presidency, cannot muster up enough votes to repeal it.

Yes, both parties really care about you......

Stupidity like this makes a single payer system more desirable but at the same time, guess who would run it--the US government.  You know how that would turn out...

Dump ObamaCare--its going to fall apart anyway--and cut Congressional salaries by half.

Then you will find out who really cares about the American people.

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