Sunday, March 25, 2018

Happy Greek Independence Day!



Sunday, March 18, 2018

Night running

I like to run at night.  I am not sure why. Maybe I am a night creature at heart, but it is hard to say. I also like to wake up at 0600.  That is a good time to run as well.

Running on Sunday night is always magical for some reason.  Not sure why. Is it extra adrenaline from watching football?  Nope, it is March.  Looking at the moon.  Maybe.

I used to think it was the feeling of having the world to myself, but I see a lot of cars. Maybe it is the animal life I like to see....cats, raccoons, rabbits, bats.

Sometimes it is possible to overthink Ranous in Ares Marching.  It worked out for him.

Maybe....a word I have seen a lot in this post....I should just enjoy it and let it go at that!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Running in snow showers!

Why do I like horrible weather?

More importantly, why do I like running around in horrible weather.

The East Coast has been hit by its third Nor'easter in as many weeks.  The Northeast has really been hammered but here in NC, we usually get hammered by rain.  Today, the temps plummeted and we had showshowers!

Naturally, I went out into it!

I have been in -40 in Saskatchewan and in 109 F in Death Valley in the Nevada/California border deserts.  Greece can get hot and even PA gets hot and humid and then cold and rainy.  I like all of it.  Maybe I like the challenge of being out in it?

I have played football in borderline hurricanes, even reffed a couple of games in cold pouring rain and loved it.  Maybe feeling the sweat pour down my face makes me think I have done something or perhaps the heat blast of coming in from the cold means the same thing to my demented brain.  A lot of my fondest memories have been formed by bad weather, from marching in the summer heat at Gettysburg to the ice cold of Three Rivers Stadium.

I could be overanalyzing it.

Maybe it is just fun.

Michelle disagrees and stays inside.

She is clearly smarter than I am.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Tornado Alley of the East Coast

If North Carolina is not the Tornado Alley of the East Coast, it is pretty close!

The other day we were rocked by a series of these things.  Fortunately no one was hurt but the sky turned black real fast and I almost expected to hear the voice of Charleton Heston booming out from the clouds/

Wind and rain followed by a cold front.

Naturally, I was outside for most of it! :-P

The thing about tornadoes is that they are completely random at times. They can destroy a house and leave the one next to it completely untouched.

If Mother Nature gets mad at you,there is not one bloody thing  you can do about it!

At least it wasn't a hurricane!

Or even worse, a 24 hour disco marathon like one of the local radio stations began that day.  I don't think Mother Nature approved....

A lightening bolt would have worked just as well!