Sunday, March 4, 2018

Tornado Alley of the East Coast

If North Carolina is not the Tornado Alley of the East Coast, it is pretty close!

The other day we were rocked by a series of these things.  Fortunately no one was hurt but the sky turned black real fast and I almost expected to hear the voice of Charleton Heston booming out from the clouds/

Wind and rain followed by a cold front.

Naturally, I was outside for most of it! :-P

The thing about tornadoes is that they are completely random at times. They can destroy a house and leave the one next to it completely untouched.

If Mother Nature gets mad at you,there is not one bloody thing  you can do about it!

At least it wasn't a hurricane!

Or even worse, a 24 hour disco marathon like one of the local radio stations began that day.  I don't think Mother Nature approved....

A lightening bolt would have worked just as well!

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