Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Michelle and I have been kayaking around in the rivers and lakes in NC.

This is a lot of fun and I seem to be a natural....in my own mind, anyway.Well, I know enough not to stand up in a kayak so that has to count for something!

I remembered reading about Canadian fur trappers and how they handled canoes and I remembered how they drove the paddles into the water to steer.  I also remembered how they leaned forward to pick us speed.  And there is Thucydides describing how to "back water".

You can move around the lakes and streams fairly easily and it is amazing how you can disappear from the urban jungle.  There are some spots on the map I looked at later and found I was only a few hundred yards from shopping center, but you would have never known it!

It is a good thing to get a new hobby now and again.  I was going to name my kayak Thucydides but my dad suggested "Ious Nicholau" (St.Nicholas) since he came out of the water to give fish to villagers.

Sounds familiar......

More adventures await!

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