Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Boy Who Cried Wolf?

I am really wondering if anyone can tell the truth anymore.

So, we have an alleged hate crime in Chicago (which has a ton of shootings every day...) that turns out to be a ploy by an actor who is trying to get more money pay paying two guys to beat him up and yell racial and homophobic slurs while wearing red hats.  Had to throw the political angle in there too, I guess.

Naturally the left wing of American politics went into feeding frenzy before waiting a half second for the truth to come out.

Duke Lacrosse Case, anyone?

I have had clashes and battles with the Republican side of American politics and engaged in actual combat against neo-Nazis, but the unhinged left side of America is completely idiotic and for the first time, I see shame and embarrassment in their faces.

I have had my share of fights with those idiots too and sadly, I cannot tell the difference between far right and far left other than the prejudices and hatred they both carry.

A pox on both their houses.

They should do the world a favor and run off a cliff.

Respect everyone and fear no one and the world becomes a better place.

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