Sunday, November 17, 2019

Revolutions everywhere!

Spring is usually when you see protest, but they are exploding everywhere.  The Yellow Vests are been rioting for a year in Paris, Hong Kong is in the new everyday, protests are spreading in Iraq, and now Czechoslovakia has 200,000 people demanding their corrupt Prime Minister resign.  Everwhere, citizens are upset with their governments and, in the case of Brexit where the British government appears to be trying to reverse the vote, voting the bums out seems to not be an option.

If you make peaceful change impossible, violent revolution becomes inevitable.   The stage in between is made up of mass protests.  Here is the chance for the undemocratic European Union and China to back off and actually win people over to their side.  If they try to squelch protests, it will be like trying to grab water.  The tighter you try to control the people, the more will show up to basically give the government the finger. 

Anyone who thought we had reached "the end of history" clearly cannot read.

As long as their are people, there is history.

The Twenty-first century is about to become a lot more interesting.

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