Sunday, January 26, 2020

Virginia's doomed gun laws

This guy wants to take your Second Amendment away
Ralph Northam, governor of Virginia and questionable race relations credentials, has created a firestorm that has alienated almost every county in Virginia.  "Red flag"laws are susceptible to abuse and the mass civil and polite disobedience will render and pronoucement from Richmond as the hot air it usually is. 

Also kind of hard to take the moral high ground when you have a picture of yourself in blackface and with a Klan hood.

So why is he still in office?

Where are the liberal protesters?

If he had any sense, he would have met the gun rally and talked with them and try to find common ground.  Instead, he declares a state of emergency, shouts about neo-Nazis and surrounds the State Capitol with a fence.

What happened? 

A calm peaceful rally where people of all races had a great time.

Of course, having no Antifa helped.  No Antifa was going to show up at a rally with 20,000 plus gun owners and start anything.

The Northam gun laws will be ignored and Virginia's governor will remain a hypocrite and coward.

Freedom of speech.

Get used it.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Harry and whatsherface...I don't care.

And neither should you.

We fought a revolution to get away from this idiocy.  And I get the feeling Canada does not want anything to do with it either.

I think the main source of angst is that the feeling that these two are entitled and want to be paid for not working.  I don't blame them, but the Royal Family is a pretty good job to have...basically tax-funded parasites.

Just like our government...

The British press is usually all over the royal family,  So what.  Ignore them and move on.  No need to run from them.  They don't remember what they write anyway and neither does anyone else.

Above all, don't bother me with it.

Looking forward to Brexit!

Sunday, January 5, 2020

US vs Iran--Not going to happen

Despite some extremist (left and right) fantasies, there will not be a war with Iran.

Neither side is that stupid.

The United States will not invade Iran, a large country with mountains and deserts and over eighty million people.  Holding and occupying such a place would be a nightmare as we have seen in Iraq and Afghanistan.  The American people are tired of Middle Eastern wars.

And we are broke.

The worst the Iranians can do is launch some terrorist attacks which are essentially pinpricks and we can destroy their navy fairly quickly.  In the end, both sides are still standing and glowering at each other.

Any attempt by Iran to halt oil shipments through the Straits of Hormuz will result in the destruction of Iran's navy and oil industry as US airpower hit everything on the Iranian coast and work inland. 

Granted, history is full of wars that should not happen, but I really cannot see the United States attacking Iran without a major attacking hitting American forces.  Both sides will suffer a lot of damage and nothing changes in the long run.

If you are not willing to go out and destroy the enemy, don't bother.

No point for either side on this one.