Thursday, March 25, 2021

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The East Wind blows into Alaska


Last week, the world watched China's foreign minister lecture the US Secretary of State about human rights violations on US soil and had the temerity to tell Anthony Bliken that the "United States does not have the qualification that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength."to his face.  From the head of the State Department was silence.  

It was a moment that let the world know another superpower was taking the stage.

China is not stuck in unending wars, has a functioning economy, and a government committed to advancing the nation's interests.    By contrast the United States is stuck in the Middle East, has destroyed its own economy and has a government that has opened the southern border, seemingly committed to eventually destroying itself.  

The worst part was where the Chinese made the observation that "many Americans had no faith in democracy."

After the Supreme Court's refusal to even hear one election challenge, this does not come as a surprise. Also, the ham handed and uncoordinated way several states handled the pandemic, now fading away, did not help build any confidence either.

And the widespread academic discrimination against Asians, usually of Chinese descent, has not gone unnoticed by Beijing.

I have not started learning Mandarin on Duolingo yet, so I still have some faith.

After all, the last four letters of American is "I CAN."

Go forth and conquer!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Tear down this wall!


So, the politicians in DC continue to hide behind a "temporary" wall that was supposed to come down in mid-March.  Now, it appears it will stay up until September.

Does this look like a free democratic government to you?

Imaginary threats are created as our (?) alleged government continues to hide.  

In 1987, Ronald Reagan challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall" as the Berlin Wall was build to keep East Germans from escaping their country.  

In 2021, the US government puts up a fence, with razor wire, to keep out threats that are not there as the southern border is opened to illegal immigrants carrying disease in the middle of a pandemic.

What is the all-powerful US government afraid of?  With all of its power, it must rely on fences and National Guardmen who do not want to be there because the all powerful government is afraid.

I was not impressed with East Germany.

I am not impressed with today's DC.

Both look and act the same.  Both are headed for the same place.

No great loss. 

Hopefully tomorrow's DC has a bit of common sense.

Just a little would be nice.