Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Tear down this wall!


So, the politicians in DC continue to hide behind a "temporary" wall that was supposed to come down in mid-March.  Now, it appears it will stay up until September.

Does this look like a free democratic government to you?

Imaginary threats are created as our (?) alleged government continues to hide.  

In 1987, Ronald Reagan challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall" as the Berlin Wall was build to keep East Germans from escaping their country.  

In 2021, the US government puts up a fence, with razor wire, to keep out threats that are not there as the southern border is opened to illegal immigrants carrying disease in the middle of a pandemic.

What is the all-powerful US government afraid of?  With all of its power, it must rely on fences and National Guardmen who do not want to be there because the all powerful government is afraid.

I was not impressed with East Germany.

I am not impressed with today's DC.

Both look and act the same.  Both are headed for the same place.

No great loss. 

Hopefully tomorrow's DC has a bit of common sense.

Just a little would be nice.

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