Sunday, August 22, 2021

Afghanistan--Saigon 2.0


I waited a week to see how this would turn out, plus this was history unfolding so decided to watch.... just kept getting worse.

Our political leadership is a joke and I think the SecDef and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should resign.

And how did they think the Afghan "Army" would last more than a half hour?  Seventeen intelligence agencies and everyone of them missed this possibility?  Why do we even keep these people who missed the fall of the Soviet Union, 9/11, and missed the Iraqi resistance after the invasion of 2003?

The roots of the US defeat, yes defeat, in Afghanistan are fairly obvious.  The Taliban clearly had the support of the people or else they could not overrun the country in a week.  The Taliban had sanctuary if not in Pakistan, then any number of places in Afghanistan itself.  And somehow, they Taliban was getting new weaponry and ammo from the outside, probably China by way of Pakistan again.  There was also a fourth factor.  

The "Wokeist" agenda the Pentagon tried to impose on Afghanistan did not work and if the Pentagon had used its $800 billion to fight, the whole conflict might have turned out differently.

America had the perfect chance to get out of Afghanistan with some sort of an accomplishment with the killing of Osama Bin Laden in 2011.  Of course, he was hiding in Pakistan, another indication that is was time to go. 

At the end of the day, 2500 Americans and who knows how many Afghans died so that the Taliban could take control again. 

A huge waste.

Biden was on vacation, gave a short address where he beamed everyone but himself for the debacle, and went to Delaware. 

Now we are looking at a potential hostage situation with thousands of trapped Americans.  And thousands of "refugees"--unvetted--are coming to America.

Looks like this story still has not reached the end.  

Look for possible internal terrorist attacks and a tepid Department of Homeland "Security" response.  Not to mention whatever else is walking over the southern border. 

Even when it is over, it isn't over.


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