Sunday, October 31, 2021

Happy Halloween!


Try not to get sick off all that candy!

Sunday, October 17, 2021

The American Revulsion


You are born free.

The Constitution exists to put your freedom in writing so that you don't forget...and people have bad memories.

The government exists to protect your rights.

If it becomes tyrannical, it is time to change it.

Biden's idiotic vaccine mandate has unleashed a tidal wave of anger and disgust as first responders find themselves having to take an experimental vaccine or get fired.  For some reason, Biden felt compelled to tell all businesses of over 100 that they have to do the same or have OSHA come after them.

Message to OSHA: "If you are not buying anything, get out."

Congress was not consulted, so there is no law.  There was not even an executive order (again, not obligated to follow it).  Just some old white guy in a suit shouting at you.

As the Brits say, "Get stuffed."

Or as 20 some odd states have said, "Not happening,"

And we know what the Chicago PD said....trying to keep it clean.

Roe v.  Wade legalized abortion and the doctrine of "my body, my choice."

Let's not forget Tuskegee and Operations Northwoods,

Please tell der Fuhrer Biden and his cronies that this is America and this country is based on freedom of choice.  I have flipped off a few "Karens" and tossed people out of my place for shouting about masks.  My store and I will run it any bloody way I please.

 Either we have a Constitution or it comes down to "make me."

Quick warning to any NOT take option two....1776, 1789, 1791, and 1917 should ring a few bells. 

Live your life, have fun, and ignore the idiots in DC. 

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Shark tooth in the desert!


Michelle and I were climbing up the side of the Wave Cave in the Superstition Mountains when I went sliding down the side of it.

No problem, not a scratch.

When I looked down at my feet, I saw an ancient shark tooth!

The tip was broken off, but it was not a problem.  It meant that it had been in a "feeding event" and our fishy friend/eating machine swam off to get something else.

This part of AZ had been part of an ocean about 70 million years ago and from what I heard, in the far south of the state, you can find megladon teeth.  The Supes are a "mere" 25 million years old, so I am sure the tooth is not anything from the Cenozoic so it might be even older..  Payson,up to the northeast, as exposed Paleozoic bedrock about 300 millions years old.

Heading back up there and who knows what else we find!