Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thankgiving!



Wednesday, November 24, 2021

China and Taiwan


Ever since the Chinese Communists drover the Chinese Nationalists off the mainland to the island of Taiwan in 1949, Beijing has vowed to take over the island and unite to China.  There have been some harsh words between the two and occasional shots fired at each other, but no war.  

At least not yet.

Over the last year, the tensions between the two have ratcheted up.   Taiwan has been protected by the Taiwan Strait, the small size of the Chinese Navy, and a US security guarantee. Chinese planes have violated Taiwan's airspace and th4 People's Republic of China's navy has expanded tremendously, clearly with the intention of taking Taiwan and challenging the United States for Pacific domination. 

A Chinese invasion of Taiwan would be difficult since it would take six hours for marines to get across the strait and the Taiwan.  There are only so many beaches to land on the island.  Taiwan has been waiting.

Beijing is not stupid.

Whatever China has planned, it will be indirect. Some sort of clandestine strike would work best.  The main reason is that Taiwan is the world's leading producer of semiconductors. That could be the reason for the US could get pulled in.

So, what China needs to do is win before US forces arrive.

Could a paralyzing Chinese strike on America be planned?

The Twenty-first Century might get interesting real fast.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Earthquake in VA..the political kind


I am surprised the Democratic Party did not pull out the "mail in ballot" tactic.  Looks like they saved that for New Jersey.

If you insult parents, try to inculcate kids with hate with "Critical Race Theory", and try to silence them with the FBI, what do you think is going to happen?

A state that was supposedly in secure Democrat hands flipped and caused an earthquake.  

Naturally the Democrats tried to blame "racism" though they failed to mention the election of an African American Lieutenant Governor and Latino Attorney General.  So, that argument fell flat.  People are simply tired of hearing it.

The election had shockwaves that even had Australians speaking as they seek to get out from under the dystopian grip of their out of control government.  Curiously, the story did not seem to get a lot of press in Canada, whose people labor under the same oppression as Australia.  

Minnesota decided to keep their police, a new attorney general took office in Seattle, pledging to clean up the situation there.  We will see how it goes, but the liberal elements of the press seem to be upset and shouting.

That makes it a good thing.

Is America FINALLY waking up?

 I hope so! 

Time to pull the Democratic Party back to the center and leave the lunacy in the ash heap of history.