Sunday, June 26, 2022

Roe v Wade overturned


I still cannot believe that Roe v Wade (1973) was repealed!

On the surface, nothing really changes.  It just tosses the issue back to the states, where the people can decide to allow it, limit it, or ban it,

Naturally, many so-called liberals exploded in anger and there were some violent demonstrations and we saw the planned assassination of a Supreme Court justice was attempted by some idiot in a cab. So much for rational and thoughtful reactions.

I, personally, have been against abortion, except in cases of medical emergency, rape, or incest.  Most states have a fifteen week law, so that seems like a compromise we can live with,  Now way would I ever acquiesce to New York's post natal abortion aspirations.  On the other hand, it looks like the once great state of New York is all ready destroying itself, so it must be a natural progression.

The overseas reaction is interesting, since it is none of their business and it seems to align with British and Canadian law anyway.  Meanwhile Boris Johnson is a world-class hypocrite and we stopped caring about what London thought since July 3, 1776.  

Moron of the Century Justin Trudeau called the news "horrifying" and pledged the help American women, stating he always stands for bodily autonomy.  Meanwhile, you need a COVID vaccine to get into the Great Dystopian North.  We know he is an idiot and hypocrite too.

I could get really nasty and draw parallels between the Nazis starting  a world war that resulted in the deaths of nearly 50 million people and how abortion led to 60 million aborted babies, but I will be nice and let the alleged liberals give themselves a stroke.

Roe v Wade (1973), overturned.  :-)

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