Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Happy Anniversary!


On September 27, 2008, I married my soul mate, Michelle!  The planet is still off its axis!  LOL

Sunday, September 25, 2022

All Hail the Vienna Vikings!


I have been watching the European League of Football since its season started back in April.  I am always a fan of startup leagues and having been in those cleats before, I often cheer for the players in general rather than a team in particular!

On Sunday, the Vienna Vikings defeated the Hamburg SeaDevils

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Saturday, September 10, 2022

King Charles III


Saying "King Charles III" is going to take a lot of getting used to!

Right after getting a new Prime Minister, Britain got a new monarch.  

Queen Elizabeth II, the longest reigning monarch in British history, passed on to a better dimension, putting Charles, the Prince of Wales since 1969, onto the throne.

Elizabeth II had been a permanent fixture in Britain and she, although a figurehead, ruled (?) with grace, humor, and respect for all.  She was a great example for the whole world!

Gnarly Charlie is the oldest person ever to ascend to the British throne at 73, so he all ready has Prince William on deck at the new Prince of Wales.

Charles I and Charles II were not good kings, so maybe three is a charm.  Of course in 2022, the King of Britain (again, hard to say) is only a ceremonial head of state, so the whole thing is kinda academic. 

Charles I got into a civil war with Parliament and lost his head (literally) and Charles II had 12 illegitimate kids and owed money all over the place.  He paid it off with land, giving one group of investors land south of Virginia, that they named for Charles, giving it the feminine Latin name of "Carolina:.  Charles II also owed money to a one William Penn, who got a grant for the land between New York and Maryland.  Seeing how densely forested it was, he called it "Penn's Woods", diving into Latin to come up with "Pennsylvania"

Maybe we were too hard on Charles II....LOL

Best of luck to Charles 3.0!  I am going to see if he is handing out any land on Mars!

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

New PM for Britian!


Boris Johnson finally was caught from behind by Partygate. While "Gram" was dying in hospice and you were not allowed in to see her, he was partying with his staff.  Personally, I think he got off easy.  

At least he is gone.

I am not sure if Liz Truss is going to do well or horrible, but she has two years to fix up a lot of messes left in the wake of BoJo's departure.

Britain has an energy crisis about to explode, inflation is higher than at any other time since the 1970s, and there is a tidal wave of illegal immigration that the previous PM promised to halt.  Toss in the aftermath of the COVID insanity and lingering Brexit stuff and it is pretty obvious that she needs to hit the ground running.

Two years before the next election....get to work, Liz!

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Don't listen to that fool


Don't listen to that fool behind the podium with the Nazi-inspired background and don't let him provoke you into doing something foolish.

Listen to this instead:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P91dyBwmYcw