Wednesday, September 7, 2022

New PM for Britian!


Boris Johnson finally was caught from behind by Partygate. While "Gram" was dying in hospice and you were not allowed in to see her, he was partying with his staff.  Personally, I think he got off easy.  

At least he is gone.

I am not sure if Liz Truss is going to do well or horrible, but she has two years to fix up a lot of messes left in the wake of BoJo's departure.

Britain has an energy crisis about to explode, inflation is higher than at any other time since the 1970s, and there is a tidal wave of illegal immigration that the previous PM promised to halt.  Toss in the aftermath of the COVID insanity and lingering Brexit stuff and it is pretty obvious that she needs to hit the ground running.

Two years before the next election....get to work, Liz!

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