Sunday, March 19, 2023

China moving onto center stage...


Shortly after helping relieve tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran, China seems to be moving to solve the Russian-Ukrainian war.  Chinese president Xi is visiting Moscow to show full support for Russia and then is scheduled to talk to Ukraine's Zelensky. 

There is hope that this might be the beginning of the peace process.

Most likely, China will insist on Russia retaining a land bridge to Crimea, neutrality for Ukraine, and a generous rebuilding program, 

This seems to be pushing the United States off the diplomatic stage while there seems to be little comment from Washington.  The US is clearly upset with Chinese support for Russia, but seems to be unaware of Chinese dislike of US support for Ukraine.  Definitely some myopia involved here. 

Given Washington's obsession with Ukraine's border while ignoring its own, this does not come as a surprise.  Billions of dollars thrown away and Ukraine reports that it is low on ammo.  Time for an audit?

No, time for the war to end.

Sadly the path to peace seems to run through Beijing. 

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