Sunday, August 13, 2023

You voted for it, California...


Smash and grabs seem to be the norm not only in California, but New York and Chicago as well.

Same pattern--smash and grab, mayor says they will investigate, nothing happens, and then we have another smash and grab.  Rinse and repeat.

If the residents of LA keep electing the same party over and over, they deserve what they get.

LA, never that great to begin with, looks like one huge slum.  Of course, the mayor, Katherine Bass, has a security detail to keep this away from her.  Citizens have to fend for themselves.

How far does everything have to drop into the depths of Hades before someone decides it is a time for a change?

Change will come.

One way or the other.

The idea is to keep it manageable, peaceful, and successful. 

Looks like a lot of politicians don't want that to happen.

Read up on the French Revolution.  Might come in handy.

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