Sunday, October 29, 2023

Watching the Middle East


It looks like the long-awaited Israeli attack into Gaza has begun.

It is not going to the be a huge all-out attack over in a couple of days.  There are tunnels and built up areas, not to mention hostages to complicate the situation.  It looks like a 21st century Stalingrad is about to occur.  It will be nasty and bloody.

And a long campaign

 And there seems to be the possibility of a second front on the Israeli-Lebanon border as Hezbollah is launching raids and missiles..

I don't think Iran will be directly involved.

Iran has only 500 some odd missiles and the attack profile is not promising for any inbound Iranian missiles.  And I don't see Iranian armor or infantry showing up in Lebanon in any great numbers.  Armored formations would be seen crossing Iraq or Syria.

The course of events seems obvious, so I can't help but think there is something else in the works.  

I keep looking at the undefended US southern border and hope something has not come across.

Time will tell.

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