Sunday, January 19, 2025

The nightmare comes to an end


Today is the last day of the Biden administration!

The nightmare is ending and he can go off into the ash heap of history!

Many of the so-called "liberal" tyrants are falling. Arden in New Zealand saw the writing on the wall and resigned.  Marin in Finland lost badly in her re-election bid.  Trudeau is on the way out and now Biden is gone.  Germany has a new election in February and Marcon is in trouble in France.  Now, time to get that idiot Starmer in Britain out of 10 Downing Street!

Biden was a complete failuer.  He tried to rule like a dictator through executive orders (none of which have any legal standing), tried to divide Americans, called half of them "garbage", and in the end, his own party dumped.

Good by and good riddance!

Time to fix that damage and move onto something (a lot of somethings!) greater!

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