Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The latest Supreme Court goofball...

Just get rid of it.

Really. Just dump it off in the Potomac.

Who needs the Supreme Court? Lifetime appointments to argue about how many angels are on the head of a pin, deliver cryptic long winded many volumed decisions that would confuse the Delphic Oracle, and legislate from the bench, a practice that is unconstitutional in itself and the unfailing ability to screw things up...ie Dred Scott and Plessy v. Ferguson. Lets not forget the 2000 election, Gratz Decision and Kelso v. New London.

Please, just shed this institution like snakeskin.

It does more harm than good.

First Obama appoints an obvious racist to the bench and now he wants to put someone who has no judicial experience on the highest court in the land.

If this is how he thinks this is the proper background of a Supreme Court justice, we ought to just retire everyone.

Ninety-five percent of the people you see have more judicial experience than Elean Kagan. Dean of the Harvard Law School is impressive but there is a difference between the classroom and the real world.

Too many people in government, both parties and this administration cannot grasp this concept.

Not only is it time to ignore the Supreme Court, it is time to ignore the federal government all together.

You cannot arrest 300 million people.

If anyone tries, well, I will just posit these two words: "Second Amendment."

You do the math.


  1. "Last week I was a truck driver, now I am a Supreme Court Justice..." Whatever happened to standards?

  2. What rock did they find her under?

  3. At first I thought you were some right wing hater against Obama but I looked at your earlier posts and saw you bashed Bush a few times too. I may not agree with a lot of what you say but you seem honest about it.
