Monday, May 24, 2010

To give or not to give...

Picture courtesy of

When you see people begging for money on the side of the street, do you avoid them, walk past them or give them some change?

I have heard the same excuse, "They will only spend it on drugs or alcohol."

It might be true but how would you feel if you were in their shoes? Would you wonder how people can treat each other so badly?

If there is one thing the Great Depress....sorry....Recession has taught us it is this: the arch conservative Social Darwinists who pound their chests about "survivial of the fittest" and "only the bottom line matters" along with "I do it right the first time" are the first ones to run to Washington for a bailout when the going gets tough.

Fifty billion to Bear Sterns in March 2008. SEVEN HUNDRED and FIFTY billion dollars to Wall Street and the banking system when they screwed up in September of the same year. And who could forget the Big Three of the auto industry showing up in front of Congress with cap in hand after arriving in three luxury jets.

What is the difference between our buddy in the picture above and corporate CEOs?

Hard to think of an answer isn't it?

If you see someone begging for money on a street corner or on the side of the road, give them a buck.

At least they will say "thank you".

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