Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 21, 2011--Kronia Pola!

No Rapture today, so I guess I better get back to working on my thesis...

May 21 is my name day. In Greek culture, a name day is the feast day for the saint you were named after...Saint Constantine in this case.

That way, everyone in the village gets to celebrate in one big party...also cheaper than individual birthday parties too I notice....Well, we are dealing with Greeks.....LOL

Saint Constantine was actually Constantine the Great, the Roman Emperor. Legend has it that in one of Rome's civil wars, he saw in a dream the sign of Christ over Malvin Bridge in 313 and painted the symbol on his men's shields. He won the battle and immediately halted the persecution of Christians throughout the Roman Empire. Oddly enough, he did not convert to Christianity until he was on this deathbed in 337. Possibly, the "let the good times roll" until it is about time to check out. This might also be the first recorded "deathbed conversion."

He is also regarded as a sort of "founding father" of the Byzantine Empire. In 330, he moved the capital of the Empire to Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople.

Sounds like Constantine might have had a bit of an ego....

Nonetheless, no Rapture today. If you believed today was the day, I guess you are disappointed but don't worry. It will happen one day.

It just wasn't today.

Don't let that stop you from getting me name day gift though!

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