Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Pic from Yahoo.com

I don't know why anyone could possibly be surprised....

When you are spending four TRILLION more than you take in, be happy anyone will lend you money. Everyone in Washington DC clearly needs a refresher course in Economics 101.

The howls of outrage from the Obama administration can be heard as far as the moon, clearly taking this personally and terrified at the damage that has been done not to the nation's economy or pride but to its re-election prospects.

Yet, President Obama continues to press for tax increases in the worst economic downturn since the (First?) Great Depression while blaming the Tea Party for the first ever downgrade of US debt. Look back at the first paragraph if you are wanting to assess blame---spending money you do not have!

Cut taxes and allow businesses to start hiring!

Let the people keep their money!

Get commodities under control though that seems to be happening as oil has slid to $78 a barrel as of this writing....now if the greedy gas stations would lower the price of gas.....Things like that convince me that greed has infected the soul of the nation and that never bodes well but hopefully I will be proved wrong.

I will be overjoyed at issuing an apology.

The stock market, disconnected from reality, got a rude awakening yesterday, plunging 638 points. It was sitting at 246 points under when President Obama got on the airwaves to reassure investors all was well. How do you think the markets reacted to a man who put the country four trillion in debt this year alone?

The stock market sank another 300 some odd points as people started calling in their markers...a game of musical chairs that ended badly.

Maybe it will recover. Maybe the markets will begin to reflect reality. It better or else it will get worse.

America still has a good credit rating. We can work to get back to AAA status but we need to get our financial house in order. In the long run, this downgrade may be a catalyst for just that.

As the Brits say, "nothing focuses the mind like a good boot in the arse."

Meanwhile, for me, it is back to The Thesis!

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