Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Happy Byzantine New Year!

Could be either September 1 or September 14, depending on which calender you are using but still a good excuse to celebrate....

The Byzantine Empire, although no "Byzantine" ever referred to himself with that description, lasted from 476 to 1453 (with a small inturruption from 1204 to 1261 thanks to the Fourth Crusade). Although it was the East Roman Empire running solo, the language and ethnic basis was not Latin but Greek. The Crusaders and Europeans in the Middle Ages often refered to the Emperor as "King of the Greeks." Since the Emperor was called "Emperor of Rome and King of Greece", they were half right. It did not keep the various Emperors from being offended that their noble Roman connection was ignored resulting in some serious cussing out of said Crusaders in, uh, Greek....

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