Friday, June 22, 2012

Is everyone in the Attorney General's office a nut case?

I have been waiting for the Supreme Court's ruling on ObamaCare but I am betting they are waiting until the very last Friday in June to reveal it....

In the meantime, I read about the contempt of Congress charge levied against Eric Holder.  I think it is deserved considering an operation he oversaw went haywire and led to the death of an American citizen.  If he refuses to cooperate, he should have the cuffs slapped on him...end of story.

And this guy is the highest ranking law enforcement offical in the United States....and you wonder why the American people hate their government....

I read the story and about the exchange between Congressman Daniel Issa and Eric Holder.  I asked myself, "When is the last time we had someone sane in the Attorney General's office?"

Between Janet Reno's wandering mind and Tom Ridge's attempt at a singing career and this current fruitcake, I am wondering if the Justice Department should not just be converted into a holding cell or better yet, serve the public as a take out pizza store.

Never mind...I can see a food poisoning epidemic breaking out....especially if "Fast and Furious" is any indication.

Is Romney the answer?  I don't know but can he be worse than the current set of idiots in DC?

Look at that picture again and tell me what you think.....

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