Friday, June 29, 2012

Wild week in DC...

It was a lunatic week in Washington.  First, the Supreme Court upheld but then declared Arizona's immigration law unconstitutional in one breath, leaving everyone with the impression that their side had won.  On one hand, the Supreme Court justice Anthony Kennedy declared that despite "understandable frustration" on the part of Arizona, immigration law remained a federal duty.  On the other hand, cops in Arizona were free to question anyone about their immigration status. 

Then Chief Justice Roberts called an audible and the Court upheld Obamacare while declaring the federal government could not mandate anyone to purchase anything, somehow seeing this monstrosity as a tax when its supporters said it was not.  Regardless, three states and counting have said they will ignore the Supreme Court and the increasing idiocy it supports.  Mitt Romney immediately announced that if he wins in November, he will repeal this mess.  Other congressmen have said they will break it down and repeal it part by part, which seems a better strategy.  Either way, it is not going to last.

Once again, how about go to socialized medicine?

Then Attorney General Eric Holder was held in contempt by Congress.  Despite an attempt by some in the media to make the vote seem like a straight party line affair, it soon came out that seventeen Democrats voted with their Republican counterparts to demand an answer to the moronic circumstances surrounding Fast and Furious.

Then a disaffected soldier gunned down his superior officer during a mass safety briefing at Fort Bragg.

Then a major heat wave has struck the East Coast and the thermometer outside says it is 106...

Never a dull moment but at least the Canadian Football League 2012 opener is tonight!

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