Wednesday, July 25, 2012

NYTO trip

"New York- TOronto trip" just in case you were wondering....

Last week, Michelle and I ventured up to New York since she had never been there.  We stayed in North Bergen, New Jersey, which turned out to be a pretty neat place!  New York is it's own world.  Michelle and I marched through Manhattan in the 100 degree heat that followed us up there. I wanted to go to Wall Street but Michelle said "I don't know how you will react in the presence of such evil.", so we vectored into Tribeca.  After surveying NYU and Columbia, we went west across the state of New York.  I had no idea that Western New York was so big!  After spending the night in Buffalo, where my Penguins shirt attracted a lot of attention, we crossed into Canada with no problem and headed straight for Toronto. 

Toronto has a lot of slums.

I was shocked.  I don't remember seeing so many the last time I was there.  We went to Greektown, ate some gyros and Hamilton was our next stop.

Hamilton never looked good but now it looks like Detroit. 

We went to Ivor Wynn Stadium where I played briefly as a Tiger-Cat and walked into and out of the Canadian Football League Hall of Fame without paying a one was there to collect the admission fee, so.....there.  We drove around McMaster University and headed back to the US  border...and waited in line for nearly three hours.

When we got to the border, the patrolman basically waved us through and it was back across Western New York but on a more southern trajectory.  We spent the night in Towanda, PA and in the morning we saw lots of small, creepy little towns that looked like they belonged in an M.Night Shamalian movie.  Western Maryland is isolated and hilly and a good place to disappear in and we were in Virginia before we knew it---and saw the worst traffic jam ever on I-95.  We got out the map, and found VA-1 running parallel to it and off we went leaving all of that behind.  Into NC and after navigating through a thunderstorm, we were home.

The cats demanded to know where we had been all week but after some cold cuts, all seems forgiven...Michelle all ready wants to go back to New York and so do I. 

Did not get a chance to get on that subway!

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