Thursday, August 2, 2012

Chicken Sandwiches

There were a lot of people at Chik-FilA

Actually, there was a horde of people at every Chik-FilA....

The CEO of the unabashedly Christian company did not make "anti-gay" comments.  When pressed for an opinion, he stated he simply did not not support the position of gay marriage and reiterated that his franchise did not discriminate.

For some reason, the mayor of Boston Thomas Menino felt compelled to shoot his mouth off about not allowing the chicken franchise to come to Boston.  With such an anti-business climate, why would Chik-FilA want to?  Taxachusettes  has a way of chasing out business with taxes and enough regulations to choke a horse.  Then Rahm Emmanuel declared that Chik-FilA did not have "Chicago Values".  This from a guy who has the foulest mouth the White House ever saw?  The the mayor of San Francisco bluntly warned that "the nearest Chick-FilA is forty miles from here.  I strongly recommend that they come no closer."

Get over yourselves....

Everyone of these cities is bankrupt--morally and financially.  They could use anyone brave (or stupid) enough to invest there.  And what business is it of any elected official to check anyone against some ideological checklist?

The people voted with their feet and flooded Chik FilAs everywhere.  It was not a statement against gay marriage.  I don't care what two loving people do in their own home.  It was a statement against incompetent and corrupt power-hungry, self-serving Nazi wannabes trying to run other people's lives while their cities sink in chaos.  You can try distract people all you like but the problems are in front of them and are going to go away.

As a friend of mine said, "Just for a second I almost forgot the crippling unemployment and $16 trillion debt."

Go eat a chicken sandwich and enjoy the day.

And get some exercise!

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