Friday, August 31, 2012

What is it with Penn Staters?

When Michelle and I were on the NYTO trip, we saw several cars with Penn State stickers on them.  I saw a couple of people with Penn State shirts.  This morning I saw a car with a huge "We are Penn State" bumper sticker on it.

Why do would they continue to cheer for this school in such an over the top manner, especially after the administration clearly covered up crimes against children?

If these Sandusky crimes had happened at Heinz Field and the Steelers had covered it up, everything I owned that said "Pittsburgh Steelers" would have been in the garbage.

Are they that blindly devoted?

Am I missing something?

Maybe they don't want to abandon their school in its darkest moment.  Maybe they would argue it is not fair to take it out on the players or team that had nothing to do with Sandusky.  They may also say that Penn State is making amends.

Maybe but it does not feel like it.

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