Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Libya and the election

SecState Hillary Clinton, a month after the attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens, accepted full responsibility for the lack of security. 

Now what?

Is she going to be fired for negligence?  Will she be publicly excoriated?  Will anything be done at all?

Naturally, some say she is doing this to take the heat off the President who is caught in a tight re-election bid and there may be some merit to that argument.  Now the New York Times says the White House is considering a strike on Libya for retaliation.

Aside from the odd Regan-sounding plan circa 1986, the question is WHY is this appearing in a newspaper?  Anyone at the White House ever hear of "Operational Security"?  And why is this coming a month after the Ambassodors' death? 

Sometimes you really wonder if we should not ask Britain to take us back as a colony....

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