Tuesday, October 30, 2012

One week to go!

In one week, we will finally have an end to this bitter, vicious election.  There are clearly two different visions being offered for the country's future and neither candidate generates an electric buzz.  It, once again, seems to be a choice between the lesser of two evils.

President Obama has a list of failures longer than my arms and a $16 trillion deficit along with high 8% unemployment (supposedly 7.9% last month but that figure appears murky...).  He keeps blaming Bush (justifiable) but W has been gone for four years.

On the other hand, people like Romney put us in this hole.  Unfortunately people like Obama have made it worse.

Add in the odious conduct of the TSA, forced purchase of ObamaCare, and a general lack of competence and abundance of scandals, Obama is clearly a failure.  I cannot see why any liberal would champion such a candidate. Yet, the closeness of the race indicates an uneasiness with Romney.

Obama is chomping at the bit to raise taxes.  Combined with his tendency to blame others for his failings, it is easy to envision a scenario where America goes off the fiscal cliff, suffering automatic tax hikes because Obama will blame others for not agreeing to them in the first place.  A Romney administration, once elected, may plead agreeing to tax increases out of necessity.

Either way, there does not seem to be a lot to be excited about.  It may not matter who wins on November 6.

The path Obama has set is clearly the path to ruin.  Romney might have learned what not to do by watching Obama over the last four years. His business experience will tip the scales slightly in his favor, at least in my eyes.

Tepid endorsement of Romney......

Hopefully it works out.

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