Thursday, January 31, 2013

More wild weather!

What is it with January weather?

Last year, it was a couple of snow storms.  This year, it did not snow because it was too bloody cold and then these wind storms with 60 + mph winds came out of no where!  Fortunately no tornadoes but you do wonder!

It was easy to sleep to.  Pelting rain and high wind.  Imagine the rain as icy snow and the wind as the usual wind and  you know what it is like out on the Canadian Prairies at night.

After last year's hail storms, there were a lot of roofers out asking to inspect roofs and then giving quotes,,,,LOL  I bet we see them come out again!

Nothing like a little entrepreneurial initiative.  I bet it is all cash too...especially with our moron government trying to tax everything in existence.  Don't worry...its going to implode because there is not that much money in the world and they are going to find out the hard way!

In the meantime, its back to writing and reading and all that other stuff!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Benghazi Hearing...

"The form was still there, but the animating health and vigor had fled."

I remembered that line from Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire when I watched the oft-delayed hearings on the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Libya that cost the life of Amabassdor Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

After delaying, claiming she was "busy", followed by a stomach virus and a claim of a concussion, SecState Hillary Clinton finally gave her testimony about how much she knew of the deteriorating security situation.

"At this point what difference does it make?" what the answer we received.

What difference does it make?

Four Americans died in a supposedly liberated country and you did not ensure their security before, during or even after the attack!

Senator Paul Rand said it best: "I would have relieved you of your duties."

She needs to go to jail.

First, the administration blamed some Youtube film for a "spontaneous" demonstration that did not happen.  No, even in the Middle East, people do not carry RPGs to demonstrations.  Arresting some guy in California does not prevent this from happening again. Despite promises to "bring the attackers to justice", has anything been done?  Do we even know who committed the attack?

Susan Rice was offered up as a sacrificial lamb and was lambasted.  Hillary tried to dodge the hearings and could not.  When she was brought up finally in front of the Senate, she bangs her fists on the table and says "What difference does it make?"

I would ask Chris Stevens but he is unavailable for comment.

Proud day for America.....

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Chapel Hill--Vicious and Nasty?

 I was in Chapel Hill, NC on the University campus.  I saw angry people with sullen faces.  When they were not looking down at their feet while walking, they were shouting at each other and giving hand signals that had nothing to do with traffic.

I, aloof from the drama,  watched from a Starbucks with a hot chocolate.  I looked around and saw people slumped down in their seats, angrily staring at computer screens and it was quiet....eerie quiet.  I wondered what was going on.

Then today I saw a New York Times article ripping Obama over drone strikes at US citizens joining al-Qeida in the Middle East.  What? The New York Times upset at Obama?  What was going on?

Then I made a connection and I realized what I saw in Chapel Hill earlier.

Everyone was getting smaller paychecks due to the increased payroll tax that somehow was not included in the "fiscal cliff" negotiations.  Suddenly, these committed liberals who had fought so hard and campaigned tirelessly for Obama were reaping what they had sown.

And they did not like it.

Can you blame them?

Would Romney have been any different?  Hard to say but he is not the one in the White House so guess what---it's yours, Barrack!  And the people who voted for you don't seem too happy with you.

It is nothing to gloat over but it shows an important lesson--liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat--we are all in this together.

United States....U.S......US....Let's keep it that way and forget the infighting.

It is time to work together and fix this mess.....


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Rudy West

The University of Oregon Ducks are known for three things--(A) Horrific uniforms, (B) fielding consistently good teams and (C) teamwork!

With 2:27 left in a 35-17 route of Kansas State in the Fiesta Bowl, Oregon player Keanon Lowe (pic above, courtesy of Sports Illustrated) fake an injury so that his teammate, Dane Ebanez, could come into the game.

Ebanez was a walk on who had played for the last three years on the practice squad.  He was the practice squad player of the year for the last two years but had never been in a game.  Since he was a senior, this Fiesta Bowl would be his last.  Lowe "limped" off the field and waved Ebanez in so that his teammate could at least be in a bowl game before his college career ended.

This is what teamwork is all about.

Dane Ebanez is probably not going to the NFL or CFL but you never do know.  Lowe might and if he does, I hope he does well.  Hopefully it isn't for the Baltimore Ravens.....

Friday, January 4, 2013

Cold pizza and running

I ate cold pizza this morning and then ran three miles in the 29 degree morning temperature under crystal blue sky.  It was like being in Canada again. This was the best winter NC could offer so I took its best effort.  It is usually best to run in the afternoon when it is warmer and you can sweat some more but sometimes you take what you can get.

I think "Cold Pizza" was the name of some ESPN sports show or something but I couldn't tell you one way or the other.  What I do know is that pepperoni and sausage pizza is the best kind of pizza. There is some debate over the merits of Italian vs Polish sausage but I am going with Italian.  Polish sausage is best reserved for kielbasa.

Meatball pizza runs a close second though others in the debate charge that you might as well eat a meatball sub.  They may have a point there but it depends on if you can but garlic butter on the bread.

If Congress took this up as a matter of debate, their approval rating might reach positive numbers....

Picture from