Friday, January 25, 2013

Benghazi Hearing...

"The form was still there, but the animating health and vigor had fled."

I remembered that line from Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire when I watched the oft-delayed hearings on the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Libya that cost the life of Amabassdor Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

After delaying, claiming she was "busy", followed by a stomach virus and a claim of a concussion, SecState Hillary Clinton finally gave her testimony about how much she knew of the deteriorating security situation.

"At this point what difference does it make?" what the answer we received.

What difference does it make?

Four Americans died in a supposedly liberated country and you did not ensure their security before, during or even after the attack!

Senator Paul Rand said it best: "I would have relieved you of your duties."

She needs to go to jail.

First, the administration blamed some Youtube film for a "spontaneous" demonstration that did not happen.  No, even in the Middle East, people do not carry RPGs to demonstrations.  Arresting some guy in California does not prevent this from happening again. Despite promises to "bring the attackers to justice", has anything been done?  Do we even know who committed the attack?

Susan Rice was offered up as a sacrificial lamb and was lambasted.  Hillary tried to dodge the hearings and could not.  When she was brought up finally in front of the Senate, she bangs her fists on the table and says "What difference does it make?"

I would ask Chris Stevens but he is unavailable for comment.

Proud day for America.....

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