Sunday, May 26, 2013

Closing Gitmo

Back during the 2008 presidential campaign,candidate Obama promised to close down the prison camp, Camp X-Ray, in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Five years later, the issue has risen its head again,which of course, prompts many to ask this scandal-ridden administration "why now?"  Especially since all it would take is an executive order which could have been issued any time in the last five years.  Naturally, the first thought that comes to mind is this is an attempt to pull attention away from the scandals enveloping the administration.

There are other issues.  One, does Camp X-Ray create more jihadists?  Many of those released, oddly mostly Yemeni, have returned to their homeland and immediately joined al-Qeida.  So what are we supposed to do with them?

One idea is to toss them out of the back of an airplane over the North Atlantic but I don't see that happening or at least not enjoying  any open endorsement.  Neither the Bush or Obama administrations seem to trust the Justice Department to handle them because if they did, Camp X-Ray would not exist in the first place.  Besides, Eric Holder can't seem to do anything right and he is contempt of Congress, which leads to the question of "why is he still Attorney General?".

Back to Gitmo.

If the judicial system cannot be trusted, maybe America is doomed to lose the so-called "war on terror."  The "war on terror", if the attacks in Boston, London, and Paris, are any indication, is entering a "lone wolf" stage so the authorities better get their ducks in a row.  Given our goverment's level of competence, it does not look good.

Time to close it down.  It's run its course, costs $450 million a year to operate and does not seem to have any useful purpose other than to serve as propaganda for Islamic terrorists.

I would be scared to look at the Vegas odds on the West vs Islamic terrorists.....

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