Sunday, May 19, 2013

Running off the rails...

Between the IRS scandal, the return of the Benghazi controversy, and an ill conceived and probably illegal secret raid on the Associated Press' records, it has turned out to be a bad week for the Obama administration.  Everyone at the head of every institution has tried the "I did not know about it" line but it rings hollow and everyone sees through it. It is pretty obvious to everyone that the emperor has no clothes.  I am not sure if it is merely abuse of power or simple incompetence but many, many Americans, even those of the liberal persuasion, are washing their hands of this administration.  Add in the coming trainwreak of Obamacare and the continued economic mess and you can see a rerun of the 2010 midterm elections coming up. 

I have the feeling that the White House liquor cabinet will need to be restocked on Monday morning...and probably Tuesday morning...

Anyone seen any Hope and Change?

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