Friday, October 11, 2013

Laughing at DC

They can read...they can reason too!
Despite a few park rangers playing out Nazi fantasies and following directives to "make it hurt", Americans are ignoring their government and walking into national parks anyway.  Most park rangers appear to be waving at them as they go in though they insist tourists stay away from cliffs and hazards since the shutdown has deprived the park service of manpower to patrol everything.  A few rangers have acted like idiots but after World War II vets pushed aside barricades to go into the always open memorial, the rest of America has followed the example of men who landed at Normandy and Iwo Jima uninvited. Yellow tape and bureaucrats are not going to stop them.

I am beginning to hope this shutdown never ends.  Looks like the NSA and IRS is having problems functioning but I really wish the idiots in Congress would be furloughed.  Can't have everything I guess.....Not bad though!  Not bad at all!

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