Tuesday, October 1, 2013


This is what happens when you have incompetents who live in a bubble and have never had a real job are in a position of running something......

At 12:01 am today, the US federal government shut down non-essential functions due to no funding.

This, of course, comes as no surprise.  The federal government is $17 trillion in the red and the ObamaCare fiasco in not the cause but a symptom. Would it have not been easier to go to socialized medicine?  Odd how liberals dodge that question and how conservative hate the term but most have some form of it anyway. 

The point is that the United States government is broke.

Both Republicans and Democrats are responsible (reprehensible?) and both deserve blame if not expulsion and imprisonment. At the very least, everyone on Capital Hill, the Supreme Court and the White House should be handed pinkslips and given the "five and five" treatment---five minutes to pack up your crap and five minutes to leave.  Whatever is left behind goes to the world's largest yardsale...we have a $17 trillion deficit to work on...have to start somewhere.

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