Sunday, October 25, 2015

Why not welcome Russia to ISIS hunt?

The whole Syrian thing confuses everyone.

ISIS has ripped off the back half of Syria and the northern half of Iraq.  The US is bombing ISIS to hold Iraq together, but at the same time wants to remove Assad from power in Syria.  If you are confused, take comfort that so is everyone else.

Why does the US want to remove Bashir Assad from Syria?  You can all ready see the anarchy that has broken loose with him there.  If Libya is any guide--and Iraq--if you remove the government, then everything turns into "Road Warrior Country"

Assad is not a nice guy by any stretch of the imagination, but at least we know who he is.  Who does the US want to succeed him?  Our record with Arab Spring is not that great.  Taking out Khadaffy lead to Libya's disintegration, removing Mubarak in Egypt lead to a Muslim Brotherhood takeover, followed by a coup by the Egyptian military.

If you thought Libya and Iraq were bad, Syria's five sided civil war would be completely off the rails.

Why not welcome Russia aboard the ISIS hunt?  That would help US-Russian relations and even US-Iranian ties too since they are mixed up in this, but at least they are shooting at the people we don't like.  Even IRAQ is helping the Iranians and Syrians.  If we help keep Assad in Damascus, he might even be grateful...possibly.

Russia, Iran and Iraq is not going to let him fall.  If Assad survives, he will remember who helped and who did not.  Even the Israelis--who have little love for Syria--pragmatically recognize this and have coordinated with the Russians to avoid any accidents.  They would rather have Assad in power in Damascus rather than lunatics from ISIS trying to storm the Golan Heights.

Look ahead for once, DC!

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