Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Happy Anniversary!

Today is the anniversary of our wedding!


Sunday, September 25, 2016

This guy gets it!

The Free Hugs Project!

Naturally some idiots threatened him, but so what?

Good man, keep doing wha!t you are doin

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Charlotte NC: Screwed Up Priorities

Probably not interested in what bathroom you want to use...
Charlotte NC has been rocked by nights of protests and riots over a police shooting of an armed/unarmed (?) civilian by police.  There is a racial angle, but I will let the newspeople deal with that.

Charlotte mayor Jennifer Roberts showed up on the center stage last summer with the HB2 bill allowing transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice.  Why is the government--especially a local one--so concerned about bathrooms?  They can't do anything right, so why this?

Nontheless, Charlotte has worse things to worry about and the mayor(ess?) is clearly incompetent and is living in some sort of dreamworld--like most politicians. Like most politicians, she does not have to live with the mess he/she/it/whatever creates.  They don't really have to work, everything is paid for, and they have 24/7 security.

Mayor Roberts should apologize for doing a horrible job and beg for forgiveness.  Then release the police tape of the shooting and begin the investigation.

If you re-elect her, Charlotte, you deserve what you get.

And flush this bathroom idiocy down the toilet.

You have other more--much more--- important things to address.

Get on it!

Monday, September 12, 2016

September 12, 490 BC

The Battle of Marathon took place on September 12, 490 BC.  While the Athenians and their allies from Plataea might not have been outnumbered 10-1, having 10k infantry against 25k enemy is still pretty steep odds.  Instead of waiting for the attack, the Greeks charged first at the crack of dawn and slammed the larger Persian army back into the surf.

The Greeks have fought Persians, Bulgarians, Arabs, Russians, Turks, and Nazis. Today we fight bankers from the European Union.  We can beat them too and we will do that while partying on the beach on the wreckage of the EU.

Brussels thinks they have the deck stacked against us.  Nah, the European Union is on its way to irrelevance.

Now, Greece, please remember to pay off your debts! Let's not do this again! In the meantime, think about going back to the drachma.  The Euro will be worth about the same soon enough.....Plus, it will be fun to see the fanatics in Brussels pull their hair out!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Not the time or place, Colin

Colin Kapernick, quarterback (for how long...not sure?) for the San Francisco 49ers has been protesting what he calls police oppression of minorities.  He protests by refusing to stand for the National Anthem.  And he pulls this stunt on Armed Forces night in San Diego, Is it freedom of speech?  Perhaps.  He has the freedom not to stand for the National Anthem and I have the freedom to call him an idiot.

Athletes should stay out of politics.  The Nazis were not right to try it at the 1936 Olympics and overprivledged milliionare ball players should not try it today.  They just look like idiots.

Oppression of minorites? 

Who is the president today?  Is discrimination legal?  Segregation has a thing of the past since about the 1960s.

Is America perfect?

No, not even close.

I don't need a lecture from some pompous overpaid ball player to tell me what is wrong with the world. I can see that myself.  I try to do something about, here and there, little by little.

You want to change the world, Colin?  Make  a statement and stop playing football to do it.  Then you might learn the meaning of the word "sacrifice", something those members of the US military standing in front of you can tell you about.

Until you stop collecting checks every week that are more than most people will see in their lives, just shut up and stop telling us about how tough your life is.

Get a nine to five job, climb out of your ivory tower and walk around in the real world. Then we can talk.

Thus endth the sermon.