Monday, September 12, 2016

September 12, 490 BC

The Battle of Marathon took place on September 12, 490 BC.  While the Athenians and their allies from Plataea might not have been outnumbered 10-1, having 10k infantry against 25k enemy is still pretty steep odds.  Instead of waiting for the attack, the Greeks charged first at the crack of dawn and slammed the larger Persian army back into the surf.

The Greeks have fought Persians, Bulgarians, Arabs, Russians, Turks, and Nazis. Today we fight bankers from the European Union.  We can beat them too and we will do that while partying on the beach on the wreckage of the EU.

Brussels thinks they have the deck stacked against us.  Nah, the European Union is on its way to irrelevance.

Now, Greece, please remember to pay off your debts! Let's not do this again! In the meantime, think about going back to the drachma.  The Euro will be worth about the same soon enough.....Plus, it will be fun to see the fanatics in Brussels pull their hair out!

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