Saturday, September 24, 2016

Charlotte NC: Screwed Up Priorities

Probably not interested in what bathroom you want to use...
Charlotte NC has been rocked by nights of protests and riots over a police shooting of an armed/unarmed (?) civilian by police.  There is a racial angle, but I will let the newspeople deal with that.

Charlotte mayor Jennifer Roberts showed up on the center stage last summer with the HB2 bill allowing transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice.  Why is the government--especially a local one--so concerned about bathrooms?  They can't do anything right, so why this?

Nontheless, Charlotte has worse things to worry about and the mayor(ess?) is clearly incompetent and is living in some sort of dreamworld--like most politicians. Like most politicians, she does not have to live with the mess he/she/it/whatever creates.  They don't really have to work, everything is paid for, and they have 24/7 security.

Mayor Roberts should apologize for doing a horrible job and beg for forgiveness.  Then release the police tape of the shooting and begin the investigation.

If you re-elect her, Charlotte, you deserve what you get.

And flush this bathroom idiocy down the toilet.

You have other more--much more--- important things to address.

Get on it!

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