Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Will social media be our downfall?

Social media can be a wonderful thing, allowing people to communicate over vast differences to exchange information and start friendships.  It can be  a good thing.  Unfortunatley, there are bad side effects.

Take the two recent instances of 14 year old girls posting their own sucides.  Even worse are the idiots who reposted them after they were taken down.  What sort of sick mind even thinks about doing that?

Who often do you see people texting and driving.  If you want to kill yourself, do it on your own time.  No need to endanger others.

Then you have flashmobs.  Flashmobs used to be weird and funny.  Now the term means coordinated looting which never ends well and results in criminal records.

The main difference between mankind and animals is free will.  Animals don't know the difference between good and bad.  They operated on instinct.  Humanity does know the difference and has the ability to choose and sometimes chooses the wrong thing anyway.

Such is life.  Keep away from those who choose poorly and go in your merry way.  Then log onto Youtube and watch them cripple themselves. Or better yet, don't.  If there is no audience, maybe they might live to be productive.

Or maybe not but at least they will be alive.

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