Friday, June 29, 2018

Homestead Strike, 1892

Not a Star Trek vs Star Wars debate
Every good Yinzer (person from Pittsburgh) knows about the Homestead Strike.  Steel workers in 1892 demanding higher wages and better working conditions come to blows with private security and twelve people are killed.  Eventually, the US Army is called in to pull everyone apart.  As you can see from the picture, I do mean everyone, including women combatants.

Why bring this up?

Because of the idiot phenomenon of mob harassment of government officials.  This is idiotic and it will lead to violence.

This started with the eviction of Sarah Huckabee Sanders from a restaurant in Virginia and later escalated to the harassment of Florida's attorney general at a Mr Rogers movie (!!!).  Maxine Waters, Representative from California, called for more of this and ended up having to cancel appearances due to death threats.  In other words, what she called for, boomeranged around on her.

Brownshirt tactics have no place in American politics.  If you cannot be civil, you are the problem.  All this will do is lead to a heavy security presence and "protesters" getting arrested or hurt.

Sometimes, you cannot fix stupidity, but if you give them a warning, they might get the point.

If not, oh well....not everyone is a genius. Learn the hard way.

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