Sunday, June 3, 2018

Korean Rollercoaster

The off again/on again summit between the US and North Korea is back on again.

The US answered North Korea's petulant attitude by calling off the June 12 meeting in Singapore.  Now it is back on after some reconsideration in Pyonyang.  It is all for the better.

Any kind of reproachment with North Korea is good for the entire planet. It removes (we hope!) nuclear weaponry from unstable leadership a stone's throw from Seoul, home to millions, and prevents a war that could easily escalate to something of global proportions.

A defanged North Korea also allows America to concentrate all of her East Asia attention on an increasingly assertive China.  North Korea has the potential to distract and stretch out US resources i the event of conflict.  Hopefully, this will never come to pass.  With North Korea, you have to assume worst cases.

The June `12 meeting will not solve everything.  It may solve nothing.  But, it is the first step and this is a step that has never been taken with North Korea.  It is a step in the right direction and hopefully brings peace to this dangerous corner of Northeast Asia.

North Korea has no future.  It has no economy, no real sense of nation and is clearly behind the South.  I think reunification is on the horizon and King Jong Un is probably looking for a nice pension from Seoul before the whole thing goes down the drain.  China may or may not let this happen, though I have the feeling if they do let North Korea be absorbed the way East Germany was absorbed by the Federal Republic in 1990, the price might be Korean neutrality and removal of US forces.

Who knows?  Maybe this neutral unified Korea could become Asia's Switzerland!

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